Courses including


109下,1652 藝術創作基礎 Core Studio in Fine Arts
110上,1637 當代藝術與跨域設計 Contemporary Art and Cross-Disciplinary Design
110上,1652 視覺藝術概論 Introduction to Visual
110下,1647 藝術創作基礎 Core Studio in Fine Arts
111上,514013 當代藝術與跨域設計 Contemporary Art and Cross-Disciplinary Design

Educator and students

Gallery Building Team

selective focus photo of man holding camera with flash


ZY Riley Huang

黃姿瑀,2001年生自中國吉林省通化市,一歲起為台北北投溫泉人,狗派,主修人文社會科學。自國中開始學習電吉他,最終走向各式音樂的懷抱,尤其重度服用各種能夠跳舞甩頭與極度平靜的音樂。高三升大一暑假繼承爸爸照顧良好的底片相機共四台,開啟攝影之旅,利用實驗性沖洗方式找出黑白底片具有衝擊性對比極高的階調捕捉光影以及人物特寫,目前獨立出版兩冊攝影書籍『躁動狗』以及『閃閃發光的人』。 身為一位清醒夢的練習生,熱切關注意識與潛意識的交互作用,透過藝術製造並觀察人與人之間的神秘參與(participation mystique),觸發深植在我們心中的連接點,發現原來我們都如此的接近有連結。樂於呈現一個我難以表現給現實世界非伴侶之外的人的面向,此面向傾向於人類心靈世界中獸性的特徵,屬於非文字、言語超越意識的範疇,而是透過更直覺式的行為、聲音推動自己的身體往前,同時也透過創作描繪對理想生活的憧憬。
人生格言(一)我不想輕輕觸動一萬個人的心靈,只想用力刺進一個人的心裡。 - 高橋步

woman in white off shoulder dress


Ei Jane Janet Lin

林愛真,1986年出生於台北市。經歷美國、巴黎和維也納等多國創作展覽的職業生涯後,相對具有國際教學經驗的獨特優勢。 林愛真於美國最有影響力的藝術學院——芝加哥藝術學院任職多年,期間提供了多元交織性女性主義者理論、以及批判超資本主義的專業知識,同時也開啟了多門當代藝術與新媒材系所的課程。

Ei Jane Janet Lin brings unique strengths from her international teaching experience and her career as an artist exhibiting and performing her work from the United States, to Paris, to Vienna. Lin delivers her expertise on Intersectional Feminism and Hypercapitalism from her position at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, the most influential Art School in the United States, where she created curriculum in Contemporary Art and New Media.

man standing near balcony


James Huang


James Huang’s background in electrical engineering informs his passion for generative art and game design. As a digital artist, his computer programming skills enable him to explore emerging technologies, such as AI, to discover new forms of expression and interactivity. He is endlessly fascinated by art's potential for surprising and surpassing expectations.

Teaching Philosophy


During the founding of Traditional Chinese Confucianism, it was said that “education is the key to building the next generation, and the next generation is the key of building the next world.” Often, being an artist further confuses what that artistic role in the ‘next world” could be. Unlike other careers, being an artist means breaking down the pre-existing archetypes and molding a brand new pattern which is individually tailored to each artist. No single artistic path has ever been the same. Born in practicality, this drastically different Eastern teaching approach gives me a distinct set of rigorous focuses in the classroom. In my teaching, I focus largely on self-sufficiency, critical analysis, and the courage to create in unknown territories. Challenging the students in shared and community-based conversations is the primary form that structures take in my classroom. Through frequent and meticulous one-on-one meetings, I provide personal support and guidelines that are modeled differently for each and every student, to their different needs. I practice “teaching students according to their aptitude,” a famous Confucianism concept. I also attempt to move all the students forward together in classes, balancing both workload and schedule, so that each student can contribute to what lies ahead. I take the responsibility of teaching and developing one’s mind very seriously, as I believe that every time I teach, I am directly shaping a small part of our future.

3D Models Attribution

Single icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon
Ui icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon
Keyboard icons created by deemakdaksina - Flaticon
Keyboard button icons created by Ayman Elasfory - Flaticon
Escape icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon
Translation icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Click icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Potted Plant by Gonçalo Miranda on Sketchfab
Lighting Fixture - 3D Recessed Light by Marc Sawyer on Sketchfab
Potted Plant by laanita on Sketchfab
Catania 8 Seater Bench, Natural Grey by MADE.COM on Sketchfab
CC0 - Paint Brush 3 by plaggy on Sketchfab
Painting palette by matousekfoto on Sketchfab
Stationery: pencil, pen and eraser (lowpoly) by Mikhail Antonov on Sketchfab
Gramophone Record Player by MichaelDolman on Sketchfab>
Notebook by _SeF_ on Sketchfab
Office Monitor / Workstation Monitor by DatSketch on Sketchfab
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藝術與音樂跨域學程 AMCP

HB328, No. 1001 University Road,

Hsinchu, Taiwan 300

應用藝術研究所 IAA

HA 3F, No. 1001 University Road,

Hsinchu, Taiwan 300

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